28 July, 2010

Mumbles, Grumbles, Smiles, and Rants.

So we've been working on finding a new method of discipline for X-Man, who is ever so 'spirited' and way too smart for our good. Supernanny to the rescue I must say her time out spot is working for the most part. *Runs and knocks on all the wood in the house!* The daily yelling matches between X and I have cooled off quite a bit and we're down to one or two time outs instead of a million.

But now he's picking up some new things. He thinks if he signs no at me he won't get in trouble or if he ads 'haha' to the end of talking back it'll be funny and he won't get time out. Oh and if he's just 'trying to 'tect L-train" (that's protect for all of us not fluent in X-manese) by taking paper or toys away or dragging him across the room by his feet, that it means it's okay! Right? Wrong little guy sorry. Dragging your brothers face across the carpet hurts him and I'm not going to tell you a hundred times a day to stop.

As for smiles, since I think I covered my mumbles and grumbles already...L-train wants so badly to stand up, and his fourth tooth just broke the surface (which has made for some long nights). He is too dang cute when he knows he's doing something he's not supposed to. You know like trying to stick his fingers in the fan or crawling into the kitchen. He's got his Daddys 'get out of jail free' smile and it's going to kill me one of these days. No really...it might! But he's cute, and so is his big brother who absolutely adores him.

Now my rant. My dishwasher is still unusable! Last Friday the maintenance man came by around 3 and said he'd be back "hopefully" in 30-45 minutes to replace mine...yeah he hasn't been back since! I hate doing dishes by hand, that was one of the best parts of moving here I wasn't going to have to do that anymore. I even threw out my drying rack! BOOOO! Oh and another rant...last nights dinner turned to crap. The beans never did fully cook and we ended up eating at taco bell. Where we saw (I'm like 99% sure anyways) a prostitute trying to hide from a cop, then heading to the bathroom when the man she had been on the phone with arrived. Great family fun right?! Thankfully X wasn't facing her way when she decided to show everyone in the place her lady-town!


  1. Welcome to MBC! You will love being a part of a great group of moms. I enjoyed reading your post tonight, and can't believe you don't have a dishwasher. At least you got a little vent tonight, and some definite sympathy from a reader.

    Your kids are adorable.

  2. Thanks Katie! Yeah our last place was my first time ever not having a dishwasher I hated it. I was so excited when I found out our new place had one. Hopefully they'll be out to fix it tomorrow! Big Daddy stopped at the managers office this afternoon and made it known it hadn't yet been fixed.

  3. Hi! Stopping by from MBC. Great blog.
    Have a nice day!


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