10 January, 2012

Announcement time!

Well...I'm going to have to change the name of my blog soon. Or at least by sometime in August when we no longer are a family of four, but instead a family of FIVE! Yes! I said it! Baby number 3 is on the way and due in early August!

Last month, right before Bug-bugs birthday I had my first midwife appointment. Here's the newest addition to our family at about 6-7weeks along.

And on a super...duper...VERY important note. Everyone think PINK for me! Lets see if we can come a little closer to evening the gender 'score' in this house of blue!



  1. CONGRATS!!! I'll keep positive Pink Vibes in my head for you!

  2. Congrats!!!!!<3..pink fairy dust your way!!


Remember to include your email like this in giveaway entries: threemenandmama(at)gmail(dot)com